RESEARCH TEAM We have one of the strongest research team who are serving in various research works as a professional in the governmental sector as well as in various parts of the world. We are proud and really thankful to entire Editorial Board member, If you wish to join as the editorial member of our journal then email your bio data to our Feedback Department .
PAST EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dr J S Rao Professor Ex. President, Kumaraguru Technology College (Effective from 2014-2020)
CURRENT EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dr. Chandrasekhar Putcha, F.ASCE (Editor-in-chief)
EDITORS Dr Azim Houshyar, Professor, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
Dr Chandrasekhar Putcha, Outstanding Professor, California State University, Fullerton, CA, USA
Dr Kenneth Derucher, Professor and Former Dean, California State University, Chico,CA,USA
Dr Sunil Saigal, Distinguished Professor, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, USA
Dr Shashi Kumar Gupta, Wintec, Hamilton, Professor, New Zealand Dr Hota GangaRao, Distinguished Professor and Director, Center for Integration of Composites into Infrastructure, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA
Dr. Jesa Krenier, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mechanical Engineering, California State University, Fullerton, USA Dr S.S. Mandal, Professor of Civil Engineering, IIT/BHU, Varanasi, India
Dr. Leo Paul Dana, Professor of Business, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Dr. Subhas C. Misra, Professor, Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT, Kanpur, India
Dr. Brian W. Sloboda, Professor, University of Maryland Global Campus, USA
Dr. Purnachandra Saha, KIIT University, Professor, India
ASSOCIATE EDITORS Dr. Binita Baishya Kalita, Assam Agricultural University, Professor, India Dr Calbureanu Popescu Madalina Xenia, University of Craiova, , Faculty of Mechanics,Associate Professor, Romania Dr Sarâh BENZIANE, University Of Oran, Associate Professor, Algeria
Dr. B. Yogesha, Professor, Malnad College of Engineering, India
Dr Mohamed Syed Fofanah, Professor, Pro- Vice Chancellor , Njala University, Sierra Leone
Dr. Daruri Venugopal, Professor and Principal , KIST, India
Dr Radhakrishna Gopala Pillai, Honorary professor, Institute of Medical Sciences, Kirghistan Dr. Pradeep B. Pathak, HOD, Department of Computer Science, Yeshwant Mahavidyalaya Nanded, India Dr Munju Shrestha, Purbanchal University, Asso. Professor, Nepal Dr. Mala Trivedi, Professor, Amity Institute of Biotechnology, AMITY University Dr. Jammi Ashok, Professor, Hawassa University, Africa
ASSOCIATE MANAGING EDITOR Dr Subhrajit Dutta, Assistant Professor, NIT, Assam, India ASSISTANT EDITOR Er. Pragyan Bhattarai , Research Engineer and Nepal section representative , Nepal
Miss Rekha Ghimire, Research Microbiologist, program co-ordinator, Nepal
Er. Amir Juma, Research Engineer ,Uganda section representative, program co-ordinator, Uganda Dr. Maharshi Bhaswant, Research scholar( University of southern Queensland), Research Biologist, Australia
EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Dr. Purnachandra Saha, KIIT University, Professor, India Dr. Binita Baishya Kalita, Assam Agricultural University, Professor, India Dr. Mohammad Israr, Balaji Engineering Collage, Gujarat Technological University, Principal,India Dr. K.Venkatramanan, Professor and Head, Department of Physics, SCSVMV UNIVERSITY, India Dr. Vaishali V Kaneria, Asst. Professor, Atmiya Institute Of Technology and Science, India Dr. Manjusha Kulkarni, Pune University, Associate Professor, India Mrs Sarâh BENZIANE, University Of Oran, Associate Professor, Algeria Dr H. S.Behera, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT), Assistant Professor (senior Gr), India Dr Ram Prasad, Amity Institute of Microbial Technology, Amity University, Assistant Professor, India Dr Calbureanu Popescu Madalina Xenia, University of Craiova, , Faculty of Mechanics,Associate Professor, Romania Dr Mohamed Syed Fofanah, Professor, Pro- Vice Chancellor, Njala University, Sierra Leone Dr. Hamid Ali Abed Alasadi, Head of Computer Science Department, Basra University, Basra, Iraq Dr. Mala Trivedi, Professor, Amity Institute of Biotechnology, AMITY University Dr Radhakrishna Gopala Pillai, Honorary professor , Institute of Medical Sciences, Kirghistan and Director, University of Calicut, India Dr. Surendra Kr. Prasad, Asst Professor, Patna University, India Dr Dinesh Chand Sharma, Asso. Professor,Amity University Dubai, Dubai, UAE Mohammad Janati, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universite Teknologi, Malaysia
Dr.R.K.Malik, Professor, Amity University, Haryana, India Dr. Raju Aedla, Assistant Professor, Malla Reddy Engineering College, India Dr. Sachin Madhavrao Kanawade, Professor, Sir Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology, India Jiban Shrestha, Scientist (Plant Breeding and Genetics), Nepal Agricultural Research Council Dr. Tika Karki, Senior Scientist , Nepal Agricultural Research Council, NARC, Nepal Manoj Ambadas Boda, Department of Mechanical Engineering, VVPIET, Solapur Divya Bhavana Tadepalli, Senior Assistant Professor, AURORA'S Engineering College, Nalgonda, India Dr. S. R. Boselin Prabhuduc, Associate Professor in Electronic and Communication Engineering, V.S.B. College of Engineering- Technical Campus, Coimbatore, India Dr. Shaikh Aftab Anwar, Savitribai Phule, Pune University, India Mahbub-Ul-Alam, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Stamford University, Dhaka, Bangladesh Dr. Faisal Talib, Associate Professor, Aligarh Muslim University, India Dr. Ramachandra C G, Professor and Head, Srinivas Institute of Technology, India Dr. L.M.Karthikeyan, Faculty of Aeronautical Engineering, Techno Global University, India Dr. Krunal C. Kamani, Assistant Professor, Anand Agricultural University, India Dr. Jammi Ashok, Professor, Hawassa University, Africa Dr. Shyam Lal Sharma, Assistant Professor, Al Falaha University, India Dr. B. Yogesha, Professor, Malnad College of Engineering, India Dr. Daruri Venugopal, Professor and Principal , KIST, India Dr. Pradeep B. Pathak, HOD, Department of Computer Science, Yeshwant Mahavidyalaya Nanded, India Dr Radhika Borra, Research Associate, School of Pharmacy,University of Southern California, USA |
Information for Applying for Editor Board If you have the enlisted qualification and experience and is willing to be the editor of any of our research paper then you can contact our research team with full proof. -You should have a PHD degree in any field of Science and engineering from the reputed university -You should be in the research profession or the faculty of any reputed Institution -You should have a minimum of 8 years of experience in the field of research and findings -You should have guided PHD students or helped for the research program -You should have contributed in the field of research for long time |