Impact Value of  ICV 5.18  


Note- For Acceptance and Rejection, only trust email sent from or and we do not have any other website except , Be Aware with Fake emails in favor of us. 

International Journal Of Engineering Research And General Science (IJERGS) is a journal which commenced for the remarkable development in the field of science and technology. You can submit your manuscript as per the format encompassed in our website of our journal to the Associate ,

As our journal is going to be published Six times a year. So,  you can submit your research as per your convenient. Thank you

1.Call For paper for Volume 13,Issue 1 January-February 2025 Edition 

You can submit your manuscript as per your convenient and our strong  editorial board will review it promptly with feedback. Before Submitting your paper please go through our Note in the last of this page.

After the processing of the paper is over we will upload the paper within 7 days to our website and if rejected by our expert, you can further work on it as per the feed back.  It's appreciable to submit manuscript  promptly such that feedback's can be implemented indue time. We advice not to submit the same paper to any Journal until our acceptance or rejection is not conform. Thank you.

Our review process is double-blinded that is the reviewer does not know the author(s) detail and meanwhile author(s) also are unaware about the reviewer. Authors are finally provided with the feedback of the paper.


Any queries regarding membership can be forwarded to our IJERGS team through, We will address it promptly

Why to publish with Us?

1. IJERGS is having ISSN 2091-2730, which is internationally accredited for publishing Research papers.

2. IJERGS is indexed and listed by reputed search Engines which aid to provide best expose to your research work through Google, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, epernicus, EBSCO, DOAJ, Jour informatics, Research Bible, DRJI, Research gate,Scribd, Universal Impact factor, Linkedin,, Global impact Factor, CiteFactor, and many more reputed in process.

3. IJERGS has been provided the Impact value of  5.12 ICV by Index Copernicus, Poland for its quality and management.

4. IJERGS has Global Impact Factor provided by GIF

5. IJERGS is Approved by 'International Society of Universal research in Sciences'

6.IJERGS has its branches in many countries and expansion is ongoing for best expose and networking in the World

7. IJERGS has best Editor members from around the world who are professional and reputed in their field. We have Editors from many countries as Nepal, India, Uganda, USA, France, Australia, Newzerland, Oran and many more in process to join.

8. IJERGS promptly publish the research paper and provide all assistant-ship to authors.  

9. IJERGS launches many program such as Guest Lecture, Conferences, Workshop to sharpen the quality of researcher.

10. IJERGS is being observed by more than 100 countries till date which shows the expose of our work in the world.

11. IJERGS accepts papers in many languages as English, French etc which has increase our credibility.  

12. IJERGS is currently publishing and receiving papers from many countries as Nepal, India, Australia, USA, UK, Iraq , Oran, Nigeria, France, Cambodia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan and many more which shows our coverage in the world.

13. We provide the proof of publication and Digital Certificate absolutely free.

14. We provide good feedback for your work and future work to be taken up for more concrete Success from our expert Editor members.

15. IJERGS was Approved by UGC of India but its under valuation for some reason at the moment .

16. We have strong management and team members who are always ready to help you in many ways.

   CONTRIBUTOR FROM DIFFERENT COUNTRIES IN IJERGS SO FAR-India,United States Of America, United Kingdom,;Cote D'Ivoire, Canada, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq, Algeria, Nigeria, Indonesia,     Malaysia, Jordan,  Tunisia,  Korea, Cameroon, Montenegro and many more in future

NOTE- Every accepted processed paper will be uploaded within 3 days and digital Certificates will be provided without any extra charges and once accepted paper in our journal can't be withdraw so we request you not to process your paper to any other journal unless our decision is not announced. This deeds may create problem to the author. If you wish to publish in other journal then we do not appreciate you to submit your paper to IJERGS.



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