
International Journal Of Engineering Research and General Science

ISSN 2091-2730

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About IJERGS (ISSN 2091-2730)


International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science (ISSN 2091-2730), Impact factor 3.843 (Scientific Journal impact factor) and  5.18 ICV Value is an open access peer review publication which is established for publishing the latest trends in engineering. We give priority to quality papers which emphasis on basic and important concept through which there would be remarkable contribution to the research arena and also publish the genuine research work in the field of science, engineering and technologies.

This publication welcomes all the original research papers, conceptual articles, reviewed papers from tremendous fields of science and technology and moreover papers are selected and are reviewed by our expert editorial team as per the paper forwarded by Asso editorial in chief. Our strong team member will come back to you with all the feedback within a week.

The papers so accepted are to undergo certain criteria of P&R publication and finally it will be in online with in a week. Any research which are carried on for the prompt impact to the society and which also contribute for environmental conservation are given special priority.

Call For Research Papers - Vol 12 Issue 5 (Upcoming Issue)

Submit Your Paper Online - Click Here

It's our privilege to invite you to submit your research work in our journal which is influencing the world with the concept of innovation and techniques. You can send your paper on any of this discipline



  1.  Civil engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer science Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Electronic and communication engineering, aeronautical engineering, General engineering, resources engineering and other tremendous discipline   of  engineering field.

  2.  Medicine, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Pharmacy, general biology, Physic, Chemistry, Mathematics and other field of general science.

You can send your Manuscripts to our asso editor in chief via email-,



Our review process is double-blinded that is the reviewer does not know the author(s) detail and meanwhile author(s) also are unaware about the reviewer. Authors are finally provided with the feedback of the paper.


This journal is commenced with the aim of assisting the researchers to provide the best platform to expose their innovation and thoughts. we appreciate the new vision and innovative thoughts that helps in research and findings.We also aims to commence own research platform through which tremendous innovation will be carried on very soon.

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NOTE- Every accepted processed paper will be uploaded within 3 days and digital Certificates will be provided without any extra charges and once accepted paper in our journal can't be withdraw so we request you not to process your paper to any other journal unless our decision is not announced. This deeds may create problem to the author. If you wish to publish in other journal then we do not appreciate you to submit your paper to IJERGS.

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